Saturday, June 19, 2004

Good day

What a glorious day it was today, warm not hot, gentle breeze, sunshine, a perfect day for playing with the babes and getting nothing of mention accomplished :)

We moved Jonah's crib into the room he'll share with Katie last night, and their first night together went remarkably well. He woke up 3 times overnight but amazingly enough put himself back to sleep 2 of them. Katie slept through all of it. Even better, Jonah slept through Katie rolling around all night and getting up this morning (she was up just before 7, he slept until nearly 8!!). Here's hoping they continue that way!

Jonah has been showing interest in self feeding with a spoon, and some control, so I let him feed himself some yogurt this morning. I'm not sure how much actually got into his mouth.

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