Thursday, August 12, 2004

Katie's eyes - an update

Katie had her appointment with the paediatric ophthalmologist today (and wow was he efficient, you can tell he does nothing but tend to children, he had it down to a fast and thorough science - but I digress). He confirmed what we already knew and showed us that it was worse than we'd believed. We were under the impression that only her right eye was turning when in fact both are. He called it a moderate esotropic strabismus. Thankfully it has not yet resulted in a loss of vision so she won't need patching. He has prescribed glasses, which we'll initially try for 6 weeks then see how much (if any) of a correction they've made. At that time he should know whether she needs to continue wearing those glasses, needs new glasses with a stronger prism, or needs surgery. He didn't want to talk about surgery at all until we've tried the glasses.

He also has an optician's office on site so I took Katie over to look at frames, she seemed pretty interested in having special glasses all for herself. She picked out a lavendar pair of frames (branded "Barbie" despite having absolutely nothing Barbie-like anywhere on them) which were $80. And frankly that's a hell of a lot for frames for a 3 year old but I figured hell, glasses are a traumatic enough experience, get her what she wants. Besides, all of the other frames they carried were upwards of $60 too. So the measured and tinkered, then told me the glasses will be ready mid next week. Then they gave me the invoice - $224.00!!!!! Almost two hundred and thirty bucks for a pair of glasses for a toddler! I nearly fainted. Eighty bucks for the frames, $54 for the lenses and NINETY dollars for the dispensing fee! Holy shit! Thankfully I have a healthcare plan through work which should pay for $160 of that (I say should because the damned plan always finds ways to pay far less than they say they will - I submitted $225 for Jonah's circumcision and they sent me a cheque for $24).

Sadly I had my camera in my purse during the entire frame-choosing experience and didn't have enough free brain cells to remember to take it out. Oh well, you can be sure there'll be pictures when we finally pick them up.

Geez, I wonder what it'll cost me if she needs a stronger pair in 6 weeks time. *shudder*

Otherwise our first two days of vacation have been quiet, we're all feeling a little under the weather. Jonah is constipated and hasn't had a dump since Saturday, I'm eating gravol like it's going out of style and Katie has been throwing huge tantrums so intense that C wondered if she could be having a form of seizure (I don't think so but they're quite frightening). Nothing like vacation to f$%k up everyone's routines. C leaves tomorrow for an 11+ hour drive to New Brunswick and I plan on making tuna melts for dinner (he hates them but he won't be here to suffer) and then hunkering down to watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics on TV (yes, I generally hate TV but I'm a serious Olympics fan).

I can hear Jonah tossing and turning through the monitor, I just know it's going to be another long, sleepless night. Guess I should turn in.


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