Monday, August 09, 2004

Baby belly blues

Poor little wookie has tummy troubles. He's been miserable since Saturday and while we've been pushing water and prune juice it's not working. Tonight we tried a glycerine suppository and he fought it so hard! After all of the screaming, all of the tears it only produced a very small (and hard) result. Sigh. Another long night ahead of us I'm sure.

One other drawback to his tummy pain is that he wants to nurse a lot for comfort and man has it screwed up my supply. My body isn't used to demand feeding every 2 hours any more so I'm sore and exhausted, and when I went to work today I thought I might burst. Ugh, I thought these issues were behind me.

I haven't been online much lately, work has been extremely hectic and the babe hasn't been sleeping well, both of which combine to make me a very uninteresting zombie. I start a week and a half holiday Wednesday, I hope to catch up on some sleeping (and some blog reading) during that time. It just can't come soon enough.


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