Monday, October 25, 2004

Leave it to Kelso

When I left the cheese position the installed another coworker in the position (temporarily) - a woman I call Kelso because of her uncanny resemblance to the "That 70's Show" character of the same name. By resemblance I mean in action, not looks. That's why I am close to stunned to be saying that she's doing an excellent job. Sometimes people really do surprise you.

Now allow me a moment of navel gazing: Why do the hundreds of little teenaged things that James does drive me so nuts? He wants to dye his hair "platinum white", a prospect that is practically turning my hair white. C says there are so many worse things he could want and that true but this drives me nutbar! He's only 13. Is it because I have two babies that I expect him to still act young, or are kids really aging faster? And is it acceptable for 13 year olds to bleach their hair anyway? While we're on the subject of 13 year olds is mine the only one who is completely convinced he's an adult? He inserts himself into every conversation, and not to be annoying but simply because he believes he belongs there. Now I'm not one of those "children should be seen and not heard" kind of people but man, there are times I just want to chat with someone without 13 year old opinions! Add to that his whole apathy about work of any sort (home work, chores, anything requiring effort) and it seems like we're at odds with each other almost constantly. I never wanted to be one of those harpy mothers who spend all of their time nagging/bitching/criticizing but boy do I feel that way recently.


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