Sunday, October 17, 2004

Fallen for Fall

I've always loved the fall, the colours mostly but also the crispness of the air, the sweaters and jeans, pumpkins and apples and endless lines of birds making their southward trek.


This year Ottawa is having the best year for Fall Colours in recent memory. Even though the past few days have been dark, cold and drizzly it's been impossible to stay inside.

Fall colours at Hog's Back

The cheese assignment is finally over and I've moved back into my shared corner office. They've found another temporary cheese and the general strike is on hold (for now) so hopefully things will be calmer and more settled and less stressful for me. At the very least I should be able to cut my overtime back to 2 days per week.

And - frighteningly - I cut Jonah's hair tonight. I always swore I'd never cut my kids hair (I have many pictures of me as a child with thick crooked bangs) but I did it anyway. His hair was ridiculously long, in his eyes and long enough in back for a ponytail but I just couldn't find time to take him to the hairdresser.

Before (man does his hair look sparse in this picture)

I was doing a fairly good job too until he unexpectedly jerked just as I was trimming - and left himself with a small baldish patch on the back of his head. Sigh. Next time we go to the hairdressers. He does look adorably boyish though.

The after shot (well, almost, there's still a longish piece at the front in this picture that I snipped after I took this) Before you ask yes, I did keep a little *sniff* curl for his scrapbook.


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