Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Broken windows

About a year ago we noticed Katie's right eye turning in slightly, particularly if she was looking at something up close or if she was tired. It slowly, but steadily, worsened until we booked an appointment for her to coincide with her third birthday. The day we went for her appointment she was particularly difficult and the doctor had some trouble getting a good idea of the problem. At that time he figured she was far-sighted and the eye turned in when she tried to focus, he recommended watchful waiting and probably glasses in a year. We accepted that and life went on, but the problem became more and more pronounced. Finally C booked her a follow-up (less than 3 months after the initial appointment) because we were getting worried (in nearly every picture we've taken of her this past month her eye is noticeably turned). This time Katie was a delight, extremely cooperative and not fidgity at all. This time the doctor got a good read on her eyes. He says she's still far-sighted but more than that there's a problem with the muscle - strabismus (which is what we were worried about in the first place). So now we have to see a specialist who'll determine whether she needs glasses, patching or surgery.

I know this is a very common condition, and I know the odds of Katie needing surgery are quite low, and I know that even if she did need the surgery it's performed thousands of times every year with a remarkable success rate. None of that makes me feel much better. I can't help but worry. This is my precious little princess and the idea of someone hurting her kills me.

So begins the wait for a specialist...


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