Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I hate how the formatting for this page gets all ralphed up if you view it with anything other than IE. Probably time to start thinking about hosting my own.

So my new year's resolution for 2004 was to be more patient with the kids. How did I fare? Well, not as well as I could have but I did make progress. I certainly yelled less, and I smiled more, but I still let a lot of small things get under my skin. A work in progress.

My resolution for 2005 is to meditate more. I used to meditate every single day but like so many things it's fallen by the wayside and I really feel it in how poorly I've been dealing with stress lately. So perhaps it seems like a selfish resolution but I know I'll be a better mama, a better partner and better worker if I take the time I need to cope better with stress.

You thought I was going to resolve to blog more dincha? Naw, once we give in and get high speed again it'll happen but right now I only have high speed access 8 hours each weekday (when I should - ahem - be working). I do at elast think about bloigging every day, and that should be worth something.


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