Friday, March 04, 2005

Job talkin'

OK I feel calm enough to talk about my sucky job.

Like most government agencies the department I work in has rules which exist outside of the realm of common sense. I'm used to that. Every person here, regardless of what they actually do, is classified equally, paid equally and considered interchangeable. So, even though what I do requires a spate of specialized knowledge (for which I went to college and further developed in many years of private sector employ) I receive no additional compensation nor it appears any form of job protection. The cheeses like to occasionally stir everyone up and place them into different functions within the office. This "rotation" (as they phrase it) I'm being sent to a job I've done before and hate, a job so mind numbingly menial that a trained chimp could successfully do it. To add insult to injury the person rotating into my position has ZERO formal training or knowledge of what I do. They think I can train her in 4 days to do what's taken me years and a college diploma to learn. I won't repeat what I told the cheese but it wasn't real polite.

Really I know I have no reason to be as upset as I am - I'll still be making exactly the same amount of money that I was before, and I'll have lots more time to blog and surf. Yes I lose the office I like, but my new office will be blissfully quiet (and that will be a bonus) and the shifts are different but not unmanageable, - but I am PISSED royally nonetheless. I work my ASS off here, I work through lunch, I seldom take any breaks, I'm here early, I stay late. I get ZERO recognition for my effort, I get ZERO respect for my knowledge or competence.

Did I mention that the person moving into my position is just coming back from a maternity leave where she spent most weekends hanging out with the cheese? Yeah, nepotism is alive and well in the government, it just wears a different hat.


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