Sunday, May 16, 2004


What a joy it is to have good friends. Last night we went to dinner at our friend Heather's house. Unfortunately more than half of her dinner party guests bailed on her (this is a recurring theme isn't it?) so the whole party was Heather, her children, me and DH and our children. It was marvelous. Heather is one of those people who make a welcoming home plus she is a phenomenal cook. So we ate, drank (crantinis!), chatted and laughed, and had a wonderful time.

Jonah is a real walker now, walking (and occasionally running) everywhere. It's so adorable because his little legs are so short and hig big diaper butt so wide that he waddles like a miniature sumo wrestler. It's such an incredible age where everything is new and wonderful. His face is lengthening and slendering and looking more like a little man and less like a baby. He has an incredible range of expressions too.


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