Monday, June 28, 2004


A week of computer problems has left me with a pile of cases chin high so I'm working some overtime to try and get things running smoothly again. Well, working is a relative term - I'm obviously not working *right now* :) but it's a strange feeling to be alone in my little hole when my office mates have left for the day. I won't, however, stay so late I miss the polls for today's federal election. I have to do my civic duty even though no one running in my riding represents my beliefs.

The saga of the sleepless wonder continues. Last night Jonah woke up at 1:15 (it was his second wakening of the night) but he wasn't crying - instead he was making a toneless aah...aah noise. I hoped (against hope) that he'd simply fall back asleep if I left him be. 1:20 C elbows me and asks me if I realize the baby is awake. 1:25 I give up and go into his room. I try rubbing his back quietly in the dark but he thinks it's time to party. I nurse him. I rock him. I walk with him. I put him down and rub his back. He wails. I rock and walk more. Put him down, more wailing. I nurse him more. He wakes up and wails as soon as I put him down. By 2 Im nauseous from exhaustion and J is still wide awake. I give him a sippy cup, put him in his crib and stand over him rubbing his back until he drifts off at 2:15. I tip toe out of his room and instantly he's wide awake and wailing again. Then C went in to rock and walk and rock and walk. It was after 2:30 before we were all asleep again. Yet this morning at 6:45 Jonah was wide awake and in a wonderful mood. I'm beginning to think he's not a baby but a covert experiment in sleep deprivation. What he really needs is a "lovey" to comfort him when he wakes at night but he hasn't liked anything I've tried yet. He hates blankies, he won't take a bottle or pacifier, he's disinterested in stuffed animals (even the gorgeous buttery soft purple bear that I was tempted to keep for myself). I'm tempted to give him one of my nursing bras but that might be hard to explain to the inlaws ;)

All right, enough belly aching and back to the grind!


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