Sunday, August 15, 2004

Life's a Beach

Took the kids to M.ooney's Bay today (nice-ish beach, beautiful park, fabulous playground, TONS and TONS of room to move and run), it was a gorgeous mostly sunny 24C, warm enough to frolic in the water but not hot and low humidity. My idea of perfect summer weather. James was only interested in sitting on the beach, Jonah enjoyed throwing muck and eating sand, Katie kept pushing the envelope for how far she could sneak away (and how deep) before I'd haul her back in. The beach was fairly empty, less than a hundred people and half of those down the other end playing volleyball. Because there's a Parks Canada strike keeping the locks closed the only boat traffic we saw was rowers from the rowing club nearby. It lead to an amazing calm, the water was nearly still, you could hear the birds. Remarkable.

An older man with a tan that would put George Hamilton to shame was watching Jonah frolic, he asked me if Jonah was wearing sunscreen (duh!) and then said if I needed more he had a bottle in his bag. Uh, if you have a bottle of sunscreen buddy why the hell aren't you lubing up the leather you call skin yourself? Too weird.

After our swim we had a picnic lunch on the grassy part of the part right beside the playground, I've never seen the babes devour sandwiches with such gusto before! Something about eating real food in the great outdoors (as opposed to the rancid fried stuff and junk they sell at the snackbar)? An hour at the playground followed by some time spent chasing the shithawks et voila: 3 exhausted kids ready to go home and have a nap. Or at least that was my thought but apparently only the 13 year old agreed (he flaked out ont he couch almost right away). Jonah was overtired enough to be a bear and it took an HOUR to settle him down. *sigh* It's never going to be easy with that one.

C has the decent digital camera with him in NB but I took the old shitburger camera, if anything decent comes off it I'll post.


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