Sunday, November 21, 2004

Blast from the Past?

Yeah, I suck. Since giving up high speed I haven't blogged much, I have a low threshold for slow internet :) Tough to blog at work too since I've been bitching so much about my heavy workload, the cheeses would wonder if I then sat for hours surfing the net.

Tomorrow the babes start with our old SAHM sitter, Katie is thrilled, Jonah of course doesn't understand. I'm a little worried about him since he's never had another caregiver than F (well, and me obviously), and he's just not quite as adaptable as his sister. Hopefully it will go smoothly, at a minimum he should benefit from more attention and more one on one time with T.

My camera is broken, thankfully we bought the extended warranty but it's going to take 4 freakin' weeks to fix. Right when I want to take some pics of the kids for my Christmas cards. Never fails, there's never a good time for anything. Oh well.

My babes are curled up together in the chair beside me, it's neat how they're beginning to act like siblings. Yes they fight like siblings too but they play together and look out for each other. Very sweet. Jonah is beginning to talk more too which is leading to fewer tantrums and a little less clinginess. It's all coming together. Another few months and I think the sleep issues will be mostly resolved too, well I'm hoping anyway.

I'll be back when I have something to say ;)


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