Thursday, January 13, 2005

works sucks dude

I shouldn't complain about work because I make a decent salary, have good benefits and (usually) enjoy what I do. But MAN the bureaucracy here STINKS! All I want is to book a week of summer vacation well in advance so I can make plans. Sounds easy enough but no, not when you work for the feds. No, instead I get an email from my supervisor that says "I have been advised that with the impending that I, personally, should no longer approve leave requests beyond June 2005. "

There are 40 of us who now can't plan a summer vacation. The impending part that I've snipped out comes into effect in SEPTEMBER. WTF? I can't take a week off in July because of something that's happening in SEPTEMBER? Bullshit. The people in my division were denied vacation time from the end of August until the end of November because of a potential public service strike, now our summer vacations are up in the air too. I'm not asking a lot, just a week off in the summer while the kids are off school. *sigh* Can I retire yet?


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