Sunday, September 18, 2005


I've belonged to a scrapbooking message board for over 2 years, it's a fabulous place full of wonderful people and I love it so much there. The message board was created and is run by a fabulous woman named Hayley of A Charming Place.

Late Friday night Hayley and her family lost everything in a fire. Since she and her husband are self-employed they lost not just their home but their livelihood too. My heart is breaking for them. They have 4 beautiful children (who thank God are safe and fine) who have lost their clothes, their toys, everything.

If you're the praying type please keep Hayley and her family in your prayers, they're going to need a heck of a lot of help. And if you can help with your wallet please consider doing so. At this point there is no trust fund set up (to my knowledge) but a member of our group is taking paypal donations. Please email me at xerxia at gmail dot come if you can help and I'll forward you what information I have. Every little bit will help. They're currently being sheltered by the American Red Cross and they're unsure of how much their insurance will cover.


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