Monday, September 12, 2005

Life of the party

I don't like crowds. I've always attributed it to being claustrophobic but I'm starting to wonder if it's part social anxiety.

We went to a big adoption party yesterday for friends of ours who recently welcomed a little boy into their lives. It was held at a small community centre and was fairly crowded, consequently I was quite uncomfortable (the fact that 90+% of the guests were speaking in French didn't help much either). What surprised me though was how miserable Jonah was. He's not much of a crowd child to begin with, the party was held over his normal naptime, and sucky mother that I am I broke the cardinal rule of taking your child places: never assume that there will be anything fit for their consumption. I only brought 1 sippy cup of water for each kid not realizing that there'd be a pay bar with beer and pop instead of kid friendly beverages. Poor kid was So.Freakin'.Miserable. I spent more time outside walking with him than at the party. He calmed down considerably when the food came out but he was still agitated, clingy, whiny and just generally not Jonah.

C thinks it's just the combination of tired/hungry, I hope he's right because I would hate to think I had passed my social inadequacies on to my children or was reflecting my discomfort onto them.

For the record Katie had a blast. That child is a butterfly.


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