Friday, August 19, 2005


Yesterday I met Lisa!!! First time I've met a fellow blogger in real life! Her new office is just down across the street from where I work, so we met in a neat Vietnamese restaurant (that I never knew existed) for lunch. It was awesome! She's so warm and funny and has such an interesting life. I sure hope I can twist her arm into getting together again (Tim Horton's - conveniently located right between us!). PS - sorry I made you late for court!

In the evening C and I took the kids to the St-Albert Curd Festival and got to meet our friends' new little son! He is so adorable, and they are so happy! We ate hamburgers, hotdogs and cheese curds, and cotton candy (which Katie and I adore, and Jonah is afraid of, silly little man!) St-Albert is such a charming little village, I could totally see myself living there, it felt so homey.

And this weekend? We have NOTHING planned! I am so excited, I'm going to sleep in until at least 6:30 (I hope!) and not get out of my jammies until noon! A day of sloth here I come!


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