Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A whole lotta nuttin'

Haven't had a lot to say lately, work just saps my will to live. I try not to dwell on the rampant idiocy that exists in this office but I'm only partially successful. Days like today when one of the supervisors is floucing around the office in her stillettos shrieking and giggling about a concert (or something) she's going to tonight - well let's just say it doesn't do much for the morale of the people who are actually working.

C's brother and fam are up visiting, got to see them yesterday at the in-laws' which was nice, though I had even more trouble than usual dealing with the crowd scene and probably wasn't as plesant as I should have been. There's just no way though of explaining to the SIL that it's nothing personal without opening the Pandora's box that I'd rather not share with either side of the family. It's a shame really since she's a sweetie and I'd love to be able to confide in her. Instead I spent the majority of the evening hiding behind the kids and wishing I was at home.

Had a scare yesterday. The 107 steps - I swear they are the absolute bane of my existance. Walking to the car yesterday, loaded down like a pack mule with bags and kid detritus, Jonah tripped over a mote of dust and hit the pavement fairly hard. I ran up to him and set down all of the bags so I could pick him up. C started grabbing the bags while I checked out Jonah's booboos and comforted him but he didn't have enough hands to grab my purse and left it there assuming I'd see it. I didn't see it (baby-related tunnel vision?) and we walked away and drove off to work with my purse - containing every spec of identification I possess as well as all of the kids' ID, my cell phone, our digital camera, Katie's glasses, my chequebooks, credit cards, inhalers - sitting on the sidewalk.

The good news is that a neighbour found it, found my SIL's number in my cell phone and reached us. But in the two hour interim I was very near hysterics.

You know, I didn't even give my good samaritan a reward... probably would have been insulting to give him the $1.35 in cash my purse contained anyway. He did rather restore my faith in humankind. Like C said, all of the dishonest people must still have been in bed at that time of the morning. I'm just grateful that it all turned out OK.

***And congrats Niki on the house!!! I'm just thrilled for you!


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