Friday, September 09, 2005

Sorted out

Katie's bus and daycare issues are sorted out, it took some arm twisting and schedule shuffling but it's all good now. We'll be paying as much for 1.5 hours of afterschool care as we did for all day care but what can you do? C will work later to be home in the mornings so he can put her on the bus, the on-site daycare centre at the school will keep her from 2:30 until I can get there at 4 to pick her up. They'll keep her PD days too so Jonah will be all alone at the sitter's. I'm a little worried about how he'll do without his big sister actually, they've never really been apart for any length of time.

C is more worried about Katie and how frustrated she's likely to be in an all-French atmosphere. This isn't immersion and they have a "unilingual francophone" policy (which is likely to be hard for me too but I can just nod and say "oui, oui"), he actually asked the caregivers if they'd give her a couple of English words if it's obvious that she's too frustrated. They said they shouldn't but that they would if need be. My only concern is that she'll be frustrated enough to not want to go to school, and that would be a terribly sad start to her school career. Still, can't put the cart in front of the horse so to speak, have to let her actually get to school and daycare before worrying about how she's coping.


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