Tuesday, March 15, 2005

sleep, like heroin

Jonah has slept the past two nights, the only two in a month. It's funny - and sad - how once my body gets a little sleep it craves more and more, like a REM junkie. So I feel simultaneously elated and exhausted. Hehehe, I'll take it!

Now to something completely different. Our next door neighbours bought a gorgeous boxer puppy in the fall, a darling little thing with ENORMOUS feet. I think I've mentioned before that I live in a townhouse, and a very SMALL one at that. Our yards are so tiny they can't even be called postage stamp size and they are only fenced on two sides ("to maintain the aesthetics of the community"). Fast forward 6 months. Puppy is now dog, and dog BARKS. Barks and barks and barks and barks... My bedroom wall joins to her bedroom wall and that must be where they're keeping the dog. I'm hearing impaired and still the barking it driving me nutbar (and occasionally keeping me from sleeping). The neighbour is a nurse and works odd hours and her teenagers seem to come and go with no set pattern so I guess the dog is left alone a lot. I like this neighbour, until now there's never been an issue but the barking is sending me around the bend (ok, further around the bend). So how do I tell her that the dog is so freakin' disruptive. 'Cause she can't know, no one would allow this to continue if they has a clue right? I have no idea how to broach this with her, we're not close by any stretch and with her strange hours and the bitter cold I see her very seldom.

- and if I do talk to her do I also mention how much I despise her teenagers smoking pot where my impressionable 13 year old can see? It's tough to explain to him the hypocrisy that prevents me from calling the police on them you know?

Neighbours - can't live with them, can't live without them. Or can you?


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