Wednesday, March 09, 2005

what's wrong here?

I haven't blogged much about Jonah lately, it's hard to know just what's going on with him. The steps he's made with his language have mostly stayed, no major backslides there, but the tantrums are becoming more and more frightening.

I work 8 hours/day, and commute about 1 hour total, so the babes spend 9 hours/day in daycare. Add to that the time they spend sleeping (or at least the time they should be sleeping) which is another 10.5 hours and I'm really only with them 4.5 hours per weekday. (Gosh that makes me want to cry, I've never looked at it like that). Anyway, the past 2 days Jonah's spent a minimum 2 of those 4.5 hours screaming, crying, tantruming. He cries regardless of whether he's being held or not, he's not distracted by comfort measures, toys, snacks, cuddling, music, change of venue, anything. He arches, he trembles, he repeatedly bangs his head on the ground. He does this strange thing with his lower limbs where he stiffens his legs totally straight with one foot toes pointed and one toes arched back (constantly). He makes odd sort of raspberry blowing noises and literally foams at the mouth. There never seems to be any common trigger.

We have a referral to a language and behavioural specialist, I'm currently playing phone tag with their intake team. Voicemail - a rant for another day. I'm starting to lose hope though that there will be an easy explanation for Jonah. I just can't see it getting better soon. I'm so discouraged, I hate seeing him so sad, so angry, so upset. I hate that these tantrums take away from time spent with our older children too. With everything going on right now I feel like I'm only holding on by the thinnist of threads. Something's going to break, and it's going to be soon.


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