Wednesday, May 25, 2005

DVD tag

I've been tagged by Maricar

1) Total Number of films I own on dvd: Me - I dunno, 5 or 6, but C and the kids? Must be well over 100

2) The last film I bought: It was a kiddy film I'm sure?

3) The last film I watched: House of Sand and Fog. OK this is where you all learn the pathetic truth - I have the attention span of a Cheeto and simply cannot sit still long enought to watch a whole movie on DVD (the theatre is different, there's popcorn involved). Ditto TV, I've watched less than 5 hours of TV this entire year so far. I did watch most of Holiday Inn with C last month. And at least 10 minutes worth of Chicago sometime in April.

4) Five films I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me: It's a Wonderful Life (classic holiday tradition to watch). Star Wars (shut Up!). There's practically always something from Dora the Explorer playing in the background. Lord of the Rings trilogy (though I prefer the books I did love the movies) I know there's something I'm missing, I'm thinking...


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