Thursday, May 19, 2005


The skies opened up just as I was getting the kids out of the van yesterday afternoon and my sweet, angelic daughter said (loudly, because things like this are never quiet) "Enough with the fucking rain already!". Oy! Now I've been known to swear, and though I try very hard not to do so I do occasionally slip up. I'm not sure she got that from me (it's not a turn of phrase I'd use) but I can see that we'll have to be a LOT more careful with the language we use around little pitchers. Especially now that Jonah is really talking, which is SUCH a relief. He's stringing together 2 and 3 word thoughts now, he's still missing a lot of consonants but he's mostly understandable, which makes all of us a lot happier. I particularly love when he says "Oor (where) Ka-ee go?" He's even started identifying colours (he's got yellow and blue down pat) and is developing a sense of humour:

C: Is that a spoon Jonah? (indicating the fork that Jonah is eating with)
J: No, foak
C: (a bit later) Is that a spoon Jonah?
J: No, foak
C: Is that a fork Jonah?
J: (pauses, then gets a mischievious look) No, a poon!

Love it :)


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