Monday, September 19, 2005

Four-and-a-half year old update

Yes, it's an odd age to do an update but since Katie had her annual check-up today (our ped is a little strange) I thought I'd record her stats at 4.5.

Height - 40.5 inches
Weight - 38 lbs
Abilities: She can count past 30 in English and to 10 in French and Spanish (thank you Dora). She can do very basic addition (along the lines of 1+2). She knows the alphabet and can sound out small, familiar words (ball, hat, etc). She can balance standing on her head quite well (her favourite trick) and can do front rolls, full turns and all manner of jumps. Her speech is incredible, she has a huge vocabulary, lots of adjectives and amusing ways of describing things. She's lost almost all of her cute little Katie-isms :( (the exceptions? She still says earnly for only and yet's for let's). She has a prodigious memory, especially for song lyrics. She has quite the temper but also amazing perseverance. She has a wide variety of adorable expressions and she knows how to use them! It's very difficult to be angry with Katie for very long. She's charming and funny and sweet, and amazes me more and more every day.


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