Saturday, March 11, 2006

Memories of Manatee Beach

Originally uploaded by xerxia.
I got back from Florida on Tuesday, but I've been too busy getting back into my ordinary life to blog about it. I had a fabulous trip, perfect weather, the company of an amazing group of friends. The trip home was horrid but I'm making a concerted effort not to let that spoil the wonderful memories I've brought back.

I'll talk more about my trip once I'm done with my taxi-mom duties :)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Happy Birthday my little darling

Originally uploaded by xerxia.
How fast 5 years have flown by! She's no longer a baby, nor toddler, nor even preschooler. My beautiful little daughter is 5 years old, happily attending school, speaking two languages fluently, learning to read and write. She's thoughtful, articulate, sensitive, stubborn and so loving.

We celebrated her birthday last night since today I leave for Florida, going for mom of the year there, and yes I have guilt. She took tiny frosted cupcakes with her to school today to share with her classmates. I hope they sing to her, and make her feel special.

Happy birthday Princess.