Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The long goodbye

There are lots of reasons to move, maybe you've outgrown your current house, maybe you're just not happy with your neighbours or the neighbourhood. Maybe you want to downsize and have less lawn to mow. Or maybe you've just done everything you want to with your home and you want to move on to new projects.

That's where I am right now with this blog. I haven't updated regularly in months, not because I don't still enjoy blogging but because I don't enjoy blogging here. I'm in the process of setting up shop elsewhere in the hope that a new location will rekindle my interest.

Thank you to each and every one of you for sharing the past 2 and a half years with me. Your comments and support have gotten me through some of my darkest days and buoyed me through some of my happiest moments.

If you'd like my new address once I've "rebuilt" please email me at
x e r x i a @ g m a i l . c o m

I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

All blissed out and no where to go

Holidays are about family, and up until now that's always meant, for us, visiting our parents/parents-in-law, siblings, nieces/nephews, aunts/uncles and other extended family members. This Easter, for the first time, spending time with the family meant spending time just us - just me and the hubby and our brood. And it was fabulous. Of course I missed the extended family, but being together just us with nowhere to go, no one to prepare for, it was so wonderful. I think the kids felt it too - there was little fighting, little whining, mostly just playing nicely, lots of hugs for the mama and good moods.

So I'm back at work today, but relaxed and feeling pleasant. It's sunny and warm, and I have a 3-and-a-bit day workweek (3 full days and one classroom day, learning a computer program). There should be 4 day weekends more often!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

Originally uploaded by xerxia.
We wish you a very blessed Easter, full of joy and wonder.

Every time Katie found a treat hidden she'd say "isn't that magical, while Jonah would yell "yook mama - EGGS!!!". The first year that both of them "got it", and they had a blast discovering each hidden chocolate and toy at their own pace, showing their discoveries to each other, and sharing. It was perfect.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Farm Boy

Originally uploaded by xerxia.
Took the kids to C's friend's farm on the weekend. We're such city people, but the babes loved it. Jonah got muddy, Katie got to collect eggs and they both chased barn cats. I discovered that horse fur makes my eyes itchy and that nothing tastes as good after a morning outside as french fries from a casse-croute.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Got Blog?

Why do you blog?

When I started blogging it was mostly a way to keep in touch with online friends, then it sort of morphed into a place where I could chat about what was on my mind and what was happening in my life. But lately I'm finding fewer and fewer things I can talk about here. I'd like to talk about my friend who is battling depression and how incredibly worried I am about that friend, about my friend who is critically ill and how worried I am about that friend, about my own struggles with hating work and hating the need to work, the guilt of leaving my kids every morning, the battle to be a better parent, the stupid things I do on an almost daily basis. I want to blog about the people and places around me. Problem is there are too many people I know in real life who read my blog, too many people who would recognise the people I want to blog about regardless of how I try to disguise them. Too many people who would read about my mistakes and then be in a position to hold them against me.

I'm not sure where to go from here. I know there are friends I love dearly who keep track of my life through this ridiculous little blog, and I don't want to let them down. But coming here and blogging all PollyAnna about how wonderful the children are and how great it is that the tulips are starting to poke up is just not me. I spend 8 hours a day putting on that game face for work, I don't want to do it online too.

So the bottom line is I'm still here, we're all fine, and I'm hoping to find that elusive balance between discretion and disclosure.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Memories of Manatee Beach

Originally uploaded by xerxia.
I got back from Florida on Tuesday, but I've been too busy getting back into my ordinary life to blog about it. I had a fabulous trip, perfect weather, the company of an amazing group of friends. The trip home was horrid but I'm making a concerted effort not to let that spoil the wonderful memories I've brought back.

I'll talk more about my trip once I'm done with my taxi-mom duties :)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Happy Birthday my little darling

Originally uploaded by xerxia.
How fast 5 years have flown by! She's no longer a baby, nor toddler, nor even preschooler. My beautiful little daughter is 5 years old, happily attending school, speaking two languages fluently, learning to read and write. She's thoughtful, articulate, sensitive, stubborn and so loving.

We celebrated her birthday last night since today I leave for Florida, going for mom of the year there, and yes I have guilt. She took tiny frosted cupcakes with her to school today to share with her classmates. I hope they sing to her, and make her feel special.

Happy birthday Princess.