Saturday, April 03, 2004

Out of the fog

After a tough few days that saw 4 of the 5 of us get that nasty stomach virus I think we're finally on the road to recovery.

C's brother, sister-in-law and their 3 daughters are in town for a week. I haven't seen them since Kate was a newborn (I missed their last trip up north as I was in Turkey). We're going with them, the in-laws, one of the sisters and her husband to a sugar bush in Hudson, Quebec, where we'll meet up with several of the cousins and aunts. Should be a good time. I just hope I can keep all of that mapley goodness down. Then next week we'll go to a Stanley Cup Playoff game which should be a blast (though not if we're trounced as badly as we were tonight, yuck). Ah, maple syrup and hockey, could this be any more Canadian of an entry?


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