Friday, April 16, 2004


Today was one of the first real Spring-like days this year, and it was glorious. Sunshine, warm, puts me in a wonderful frame of mind.

Yesterday Jonah took two steps. Not exactly walking (more lurching) but a definite precursor to the inevitable mobility. Frightening how fast he's growing. I'm down to just 3 weeks left of my maternity leave and am desperately trying to justify taking another year. *sigh* I know we can't afford for me to stay home but it's been so wonderful being home with Katie and Jonah, and being here when James gets home from school. Add to that the fact that I'll essentially be working to pay the sitter and I wonder why on Earth I'm going back at all. I know, benefits, intellectual stimulation, those fwe precious dollars that will be left after daycare gets paid. Still, I can't help but comtemplate if there's any other places we can trim back the fat?

Tomorrow I'm off bright and early with the two SILs to a humongeous used children's clothing and equipment sale - we went last year and it was fantastic! I hope it's good this year too, Katie's just had a major growth spurt and has frightfully little that fits anymore.


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