Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Kibbles and bits

Why in a world where technology allows us to have cell phones the size of lipstick vials can they not make a radar gun that doesn't look, well, like a gun? Again I was driving to work today, listening to the news, half lost in thought when I catch a glimpse of a man dressed in black standing on the side of the road aiming a gun at my head. It was a cop, and he was aiming a radar gun but my heart had skipped four or five beats before that part registered in my brain. Surely that causes more accidents than it prevents?

I haven't blogged much lately - partly due to the mental exhaustion that comes with my new cheese job (only 5 more weeks), partly because we've given up our cable internet for cheapy dial-up and partly because it's tough for me to blog when I don't have a lot of happy things to say. Bad enough to drag myself down without taking the 2.4 people who regularly read my blog with me. I'll try to blather more often but be warned it may not be pretty (well, was it ever?) Our already tight money situation has further degraded, and today our dryer died. Our stupid condo board won't allow us to hang our clothes outside to dry in the summer sun and we certainly can't afford to replace the dryer so we're stuck for now. Maybe it'll turn out to be fixable. But I doubt it.


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