Monday, August 30, 2004

days full of doctors

I'm sick. I don't get sick real often, and usually I try to ignore it until it goes away but there's no ignoring the hot poker jabbing in my ear with each beat of my heart, or the fever that's leaving me spacey and even less articulate than usual. Doctor's appointment tomorrow at 3, I'm predicting a 10 day course of amoxil.

Sadly I'm sure it's stress that's left me vulnerable to whatever bug has set up shop in my ear. It sucks how a bad spot affects every nook and cranny of your life.

On the positive, Katie had her annual check up this morning (my paediatrician does well baby visits at 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, and 18 months, then annually after that so her check ups are always on the half-year), she's as healthy and perfect as possible. 39 inches tall (50th percentile) and 34 pounds (50th percentile). She was almost nice to the doctor once he convinced her that she wasn't getting a needle.

Jonah's first appointment with our eye doctor was last week and he told us that he doesn't think Jonah will have the same issue as Katie (strabismus). I left his office thinking that I was just paranoid and that Jonah was just fine. Then I took this picture over the weekend.

See how one eye has red eye and the other doesn't? It's one of the first ways we knew that Katie's eyes weren't both looking at the same thing. *sigh* I think I'll bring him along to Katie's follow up with the specialist. I just feel deep down that I know him better than the eye doctor, and he did miss Katie's problem the first time, only sending her to a specialist when I pressed.

So - am I paranoid or does it look like his eyes aren't *quite* aligned?


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