Thursday, February 03, 2005

It's all downhill from here

Sunday was wonderful, Monday was not bad. Tuesday the screaming started again and Wednesday was back into the full-blown tantrums. This morning was so awful I cried part of my drive in. I feel so guilty for being relieved to drop him off with the sitter, but he's so miserable and I'm so far past the end of my rope.

I talked with one of the doctors I work with and she suggested I take him to a naturopath friend of her (he's a medical doctor who has limited his practice to naturopathy). I don't know if it will help but I'm at the point where I'm willing to grasp at any straw. I'm also going to take him back to the paediatrician and try to get him to understand that I'm not an anxious drug seeking Munchausen-By-Proxy mom, I'm a worried mom with a legitimate concern.

On a positive note the mornings are getting brighter. Look at the sunrise I was treated to coming into work this morning.

Click for larger.

That can only signal the coming of Spring. It's been a long, dark, dreary winter.


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