Monday, June 27, 2005


Back from the depths of Southern Ontario. Had a nice visit with the 'rents, got to spend a whole day with one of my oldest friends and her family, took the kids nature walking through a conservation area (baby swans!), to the beach (goose poo!), and to the annual GM picnic (inappropriately dressed women!). The babes had a fabulous time, they always get spoiled senseless at the grandparents' house. They were awesome during the 4+ hours driving each way too which was such a blessing. I enjoyed myself, I truly did, but I found the weekend really ramped up my anxiety level. Boy it is just so much easier hiding in my house than having to wear the game face 18 hours a day. The big boys had lots of fun in our absense, I think they were disappointed to see us return since it meant the end of silence (and the beginning of toddleropoly of the DVD player). Pics to follow once my lazy @$$ unpacks.


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