Tuesday, July 12, 2005


My first day back at work yesterday went as well as could be expected, no one exploded, the world didn't come to an end, the sky didn't fall.

Today though - today I am every single bit as stressed out as I was when I left 5 weeks ago. The bullshit, the fucking cesspool of incompetency, nepotism and attitude, it's all still here, and it's worse than ever. I pretty much used up all of my new coping skills yesterday. People keep telling me ignore it, don't let it bother you, blah blah blah but they're not here. They don't know what it's like here.

So offer up - what should I do? I have applied for more than a dozen internal jobs but hiring in the public service is sooo..slooooow. I can't take more time off without risking losing my house (which may not be any great shakes but it's sort of nice to have walls and a roof and it's cheaper than renting in this city). I can't throw people out of the windows because they don't open. I can run but I can't hide. I'm out of ideas.


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