Wednesday, December 07, 2005

In China it's just called food

I slipped on the ice this morning getting into my van at daycare and split my skirt right up to tastelessness. An unscheduled trip home followed. That about sums up my life lately, Mr Murphy has taken up residence in my psyche and is keeping me from being effective at anything.

It's nearly Christmas, a time of year I love but am about ready to boycott. The amount of stress we heap on ourselves to create some ridiculous illusion of holiday perfection is senseless. My mother is probably the only person who would notice if I didn't send out handmade Christmas cards (though really can I justify the money I spend on st@mpin' up if I don't at least make my own cards?) The time and money spent on baking homemade Christmas treats, making gifts, decorating (haven't actually started that yet) - time (and money) that could be better spent with the kids. I guess once people think of you as a crafty person there's an expectation that you'll wow everyone with your dazzling creations year after year. But I want out. I want to buy boxes of chocolates and drug store perfumes and gift cards.

This year the effort to make sure all of the family gets to see the kids over the holiday is almost overwhelming. Since the company that both of my parents worked for went belly-up they've been working menial jobs at about 50% of their previous pay, so my mom is totally bummed about Christmas. I don't blame her, even though I preach the "we don't need anything except to be together" mantra I know that even a simple scaled down Christmas celebration is still a financial drain. Plus their crappy retail jobs mean that they get barely any time off over Christmas. Since C and I are more flexible about that I've been contorting trying to plan our visit to them so that they'll get the maximum possible time with the kidlets. My mom keeps responding with "whatever" "well are you really sure you want to come" "what will you do on x day when I'm working", blah blah blah. That, unfortunately, isn't sitting well with the other side of the family who'd like to know exactly what our plans are so that they can make plans to see the kids too.

17 days until Christmas - I have less than 10% of the gifts bought or made, none wrapped, I haven't mailed my Christmas cards, I haven't decorated my Christmas tree, and I have no firm plans for travelling to see the family. I've only listened to my Christmas CDs once (and normally I adore Christmas music), I haven't had any egg nog (another favourite), didn't even taste my Christmas baking. I'm feeling really Scrooge this year and I'm running out of time to have a change of heart.

Ho Ho Humbug.


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