Thursday, February 23, 2006

Sisterhood of the fat pants

I gave up and bought the fat pants.

After 2 1/2 years it isn't baby fat anymore, it's fat, and it's here to stay. Sure, a change in medication, occupation and motivation would likely help but none of those things are happening anytime in the near future. And I was sick of coming home from work with tummy welts from too-tight waistbands.

They look good, fit well, drape nicely, but it's still a kick in the gut everytime I see the 13 staring up at me from the tag.

Anyway, I'm feeling much better these days, the antibiotics are doing their job and I can breathe and sleep and function. C on the other hand has just started antibiotics and is still in the 'kill me' stage of the illness. To top it off, Katie has impetigo and is also on the same antibiotics (and a $50 per tube cream as well). I swear we're keeping the pharmacy in business!

Oh, and 7 days 'til I'm in Florida :)


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