Thursday, February 17, 2005

Catching up

So on the weekend our dryer died...again. C took a good look at it and determined if he tried to fix it again we'd be risking a fire. It was a good dryer, but old and we were constantly overloading it. So we bought a new one on Tuesday, we live near a Sear*s outlet center at got a GIGANTIC ken*more scratch and dent fairly cheap (I have no idea why it was a scratch and dent, looks perfect to me and it's warranted). It's a super capacity, it's so nice to be able to fit a whole washer's worth of laundry into the dryer all at once! For anyone counting that's 4 major appliances that we've replaced in the past 18 months. All we have left are the stove and chest freezer. I'm crossing my fingers that they don't die just yet, 4 major appliances equals one majorly broke family :)

Things have been improving with Jonah at a rapid rate, he's picked up so many words just over the past two weeks. It's like a dam broke and now the language is starting to pour out. It's not clear yet but a lot of it is recognizable. He's started gesturing too - clapping, pointing - again, things he wasn't doing just a couple of weeks ago. With these huge leaps the tantrums are in decline (oh he still has them but they're less frequent and dare I say milder, and the repetitive head bashing is almost non-existant) and the sleep is improving (again not perfect but so much better than before, he's waking generally once a night and is sleeping all the way through 2 or 3 times a week). I don't know why things are changing so quickly but I'm grateful. I'm so relieved that he's acting more and more like a typical toddler. In fact, in some ways he's incredibly advanced - you should see this kid wield a fork! He does it better than his sister, maybe better than his big brother! Perhaps that's because eating is one of his favourite things LOL!

Tomorrow is a mama and babies day, the sitter is off so I took a vacation day to spend with my babes, I can hardly wait. I see poster paint and baking muffins with only one quick errand (to have the nosepiece on Katie's glasses replaced), the rest of the day is just us. Bliss.


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