Monday, March 28, 2005


It's the last day of my mini vacation. Our trip out to see my parents went quite well, even the 8+ hours in the van were good. My parents spoiled the kids of course but everything was calm and loving and really good.

I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow. I've enjoyed being with the babes so much this week - even when they were fighting with each other it was wonderful. I've been having "nightmares" about being back at work, it's pretty sad. (Sad in part because one of my nightmares involved being demoted to "pancake maker" and not being able to figure out where I'd fit the griddle on my desk. It appears I have issues with the uselessness of my position). I just wish we lived in a society that valued the SAHM, that made it possible for families to have a SAHP and still live above the poverty line. The various levels of taxation in Canada make that a near impossibility (not to mention the ridiculous student debtload we all graduate with). Anyway I won't harp on it any longer, I just hate going back to work and leaving my babes with the sitter again.

So how was everyone's Easter? My mom made my favourite ham and scalloped potatoes Saturday evening and I swear I gained 10lbs with all of the yummies she fed us. She did an Easter egg hunt for the kids which they loved! Katie is old enough to "get it" and every time she'd put down her basket Jonah would snatch an egg from it (so perhaps he "gets it" too!). Glad to be home though.

A couple of pictures of my Easter babies...

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