Sunday, October 30, 2005

Goodbye DST!

I hate daylight savings time. I am never happier than the last Sunday in October when we go back to normal sun-directly-overhead-at-noon time. The one really smart thing that Saskatchewan did was opt out of this ridiculous "gain an extra hour of daylight" daylight savings time thing. Seriously, apart from Americans (and Quebeckers) who really thinks we gain anything with DST? The American argument for extending DST another 2 freakin' months is that "it will save electricity in our offices". What kind of f-ed up working hours do they have? It's pitch black when I get to my office in the morning, and stays that way for over an hour. It's pitch black when C and Katie are waiting for the school bus. Sure, if your day doesn't start until 10 am then maybe DST is right for you. But my day - and the days of most of my friends and neighbours - starts sometime before 6 am and I'm sucking back coffee under the glare of fluorescent lighting before 7. So whatever electricity the late risers are "saving" by having the sun go down an hour later I'm using up trying to see my keyboard an hour before the sun rises. I'm not alone in this, I live in Ottawa which is largely a government town, and the vast majority of people here at at work by 8 am.

But it's all good now. What little winter sun we get will shine at the appropriate times. Good riddance to DST... for 6 months anyway.


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