Thursday, October 06, 2005

in a nutshell

There's just been so little worth mentioning happening lately. We're had beautiful weather, we're all tired but healthy, but we haven't been anywhere or done anything. I guess I should be grateful (a sort of 'no news is good news' mentality).

School still has its ups and downs for Katie, but generally she's enjoying it. When I picked her up Tuesday she said to one of the newer teachers "C'est maman" so obviously she's picking it up. Slowly but surely.

We've started having signifigant trouble getting Jonah up in the morning, and getting him to fall asleep at night (though he's sleeping so much better now overnight thankyouverymuch). I think it's a sure sign that he needs to give up the afternoon nap, the sitter is less sure (doubtless she'd be unhappy to give up that bit of peace during her day too). I wish I could change my working hours to let him sleep until 7, I know it would make a huge difference. Unfortunately that can't happen unless I change jobs (which is a lovely dream but the government hiring process is SO.SLOW. it may take until I'm 800 years old to get out of this department)

Thanksgiving is coming up this weekend but we're not going anywhere. In fact I'll probably be working at least one of the days. Oh well, double time, and I can use the money.

My boring life in a nutshell.


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