Monday, October 24, 2005

Project Porchlight

It's pretty rare to see people interested in environmentally friendly initiatives in my neighbourhood, especially anything that has to do with energy conservation. Imagine my surprise to find an email about Project Porchlight in my inbox. It read, in part:

What we're doing is distributing a compact fluorescent light bulb to 50,000 homes in the Ottawa South area, starting this Saturday and continuing through November. The eventual goal is to put one of these in every home in Canada, with the resulting reduction in pollution being the equivalent of taking 66,000 cars off of Canadian roads. Substantial stuff.

How very cool! Their big community launch event this Saturday is just up the street from me!

We switched about 1/3 of our light bulbs for compact fluorescents last year (they don't work well in sockets attached to dimmers, and we have a lot of those, or in lamps with shades that snap over the bulb, and we have a lot of those too) and they're fabulous, they last practically forever! Haven't had to change one yet in a year of use.

Energy conservation has been on my mind a lot lately with gas prices soaring, winter coming and our house heated with natural gas. The one serious perk of this house is having neighbours on either side means less heat loss through the walls. We haven't yet had to turn on the furnace this season, despite several nights where the temperatures have hovered around zero. I'm hoping to get to November before having to turn it on. Just might make it...


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