Friday, April 01, 2005

In passing

Terri Schiavo finally found peace yesterday. Her story has played on my mind on and off for years now. It's a difficult thing to think about because I can see both sides so crystal clearly. Both C and I agree that neither of us want to be kept alive by artificial means, and I know I would fight to allow him to die with dignity if (God forbid) he was in that situation, as he would fight for me. However I'm also a mother, and no matter how brain damaged my children were (again God forbid) I don't think I could "pull the plug" if they weren't physically suffering. Such a heartbreaking story, made all the worse by being played out on a public stage, seized by various political groups and activist factions to forward their own causes and run through the American legal system many, many, many times.

Hopefully now the media circus will die down, the zealots (on both sides) will find other causes to scream about and one fractured and battered family can find healing.


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