Thursday, April 07, 2005

Growing pains?

When Katie woke up yesterday she couldn't stand she had such pain in her legs (predominantly the left leg). Since she's been sick all week and now was practically crippled I called the paediatrician's office (I'm not normally a worry wart but this just seemed wrong). The nurse suggested I bring her in.

I had to carry her into the office, she just couldn't put any weight on her leg. The doctor - who I normally love - seemed rather put out that I was bringing her in for "simple growing pains". To his credit he did check her joints (particularly her hips) quite closely but in the end he said just to take her home, give her motr1n, warm baths and use a hot water bottle.

I do trust our paed, and I'm not trying to second guess him but my "gut" tells me something isn't right. The motr1n did a LOT of good, for the first hour and a half after each dose she could walk around (albeit with a strange limp and with her legs spread wide like she was wearing a very full diaper) but once it started wearing off she was crawling around the house or laying on the couch. My active, energetic 4 year old daughter reduced to near immobility.

She's no better this morning, crying just trying to climb out of her carseat. I'm at a loss. James didn't really have growing pains so I have no idea what to expect. I never want to be one of those harpy mamas who bring their child to the doctor and demand he prescribe something or do some testing (Munchausen-by-proxy anyone?) but I really feel like there is more to this than he thinks.

What do I do? My whole soul thinks that if she isn't better tomorrow morning I should camp out in his waiting room but what he suggested as treatment does help so I don't want to seem like I'm second guessing. Plus that little voice of doom at the back of my mind is screaming and likely clouding my better judgement.


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