Monday, April 04, 2005

Time for Change

My job sucks ass. I am so bored. At least I have lots of time to look for new jobs while I'm sitting here trying not to pick my @$$. If you're young and skilled and looking for an exciting career where your talents will be appreciated don't apply to the public service.

It poured rain here all weekend, it was the perfect weekend for holing up in the house and ignoring the world. I think I'd do just fine as a hermit :) Haven't yet caught the Spring cleaning bug though, I wish I would, I'm seldom motivated to clean (and boy does it show!) I do have so.much.crap that I have to go through and purge, books alone I could stock a small library. Perhaps a massive garage sale this Spring is the answer, it's easier to let go of things if there's cash involved ;) Plus once I haul it out of the house I won't be much inclined to bring it back in.

My Princess is unwell, probably just a cold but she's congested, scratchy throated and mildly fevered. I hate taking her to the sitter when all she wants to do is snuggle with me all day. She was pretty sad this morning when I told her we had to get up to go to the sitter's. Not to mention exhausted because of the time change.

Really - do we NEED daylight savings time anymore? Like my brother says, farmers have alarm clocks now, do we need to screw up the time for half the planet? Ironically Saskatchewan doesn't even participate in the daylight savings time thing and that's where a huge portion of the farmers are! Stats show that accidents and heart attacks increase during the time changeover, the time has certainly come to get rid of DST altogether.


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