Thursday, April 14, 2005

If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all

So my van died on Tuesday morning, right out of the blue, one minute it was driving, the next it wouldn't start. So fine, it's only a car, it isn't a huge deal. $75 to tow it to the mechanic, OK, not so awful yet. Now the mechanic has called. The fuel pump has gone, in any normal vehicle that would be about $150 plus labour but not our van, oh no, for our van the part ALONE is $900. Mon dieu. Plus we have some sort of vacuum leak in the heating system which will run a couple of hundred to fix as well.

It's only a car, it's only a car, it's only a car.

Thing is we're stuck. We really need a vehicle big enough to hold 5 people (two in carseats), and the van is perfect that way. But $1500 is a LOT of money, and we just don't have it.

I'm pretty bummed, it feels like we're never going to pull ourselves out of our financial hole. We never manage to get ahead, and everytime we think we can see a little light something like this happens. This isn't a woe is me pity party, I'm well aware that I have a full belly and a warm home, which a lot of people don't have. It's just a frustrated lament that lately we just can't catch a break.

Jonah hasn't slept well the past 3 nights either so perhaps I'd be a little less doom and gloom on a little more sleep.


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