I swear I'd blog more if I could just stick a device in my ear that would automatically transmit my brain waves into my blog.* Because I
think about blogging every day.
Life is life and is slogs along regardless of my participation level. I've spent the past week putting in the absolute bare minumum of effort. Two days of sunshine threaten to awaken my creative, motivated side, but I'm certain mother nature will throw more snow/rain/fog/dark at me again soon.
The kids continue being unbelievably adorable. Katie's ballet lessons restarted on Saturday, she makes such a lovely ballerina, tall with her long slender arms and perfectly muscled legs. She truly stands out in a room of chubby 3 and 4 year olds who look like pink sausages, squeezed into their leotards. I know those kids will shoot up this year and become lovely coltish supermodels in training too, but for now I can puff up my chest and boast about having the most beautiful child in the room.
Starting to plan my scrapbooking escape - I'm flying to FL in March to meet up with a bunch of scrappers, shop, drink, eat, take classes, drink, party, walk ont he beach, drink and generally have a good time. I've been reluctant to talk about it, not wanting to jinx anything, flights from Canada to Florida in the dead of winter are terribly expensive and knowing we can scarce afford it even in ideal circumstances I keeping waiting for some proverbial shoe dropping. A optomist? Why yes! But it's coming soon, and despite myself I'm getting excited. 15 crazy women, stamps, paper, ink and sharp objects: an S&M dream come true. <---there should be a winky guy there so you know I'm joking. We only use safety scissors.
Life, as I see it, for now anyway.
*actually, I doubt anyone would want an unfiltered look into my brain, so scratch that.